Comprehensive Primary PE Scheme of Work | Teaching Guide


Comprehensive Primary PE Scheme of Work | Teaching Guide

Physical Education (PE) plays a crucial role in the holistic development of primary school students. It nurtures their physical fitness, fosters social interaction, promotes emotional well-being, and lays the foundation for a lifelong love of physical activity. To ensure a well-rounded PE curriculum, designing a comprehensive scheme of work encompassing various activities, skills, and learning outcomes is essential. This blog post will explore the critical elements of a typical scheme of work for primary PE and provide valuable insights for teachers and educators.

Understanding a Scheme of Work:

A scheme of work is a structured plan that outlines the content, sequence, and learning progression for a subject or curriculum area. In the context of primary PE, it serves as a roadmap for teachers, providing guidance on what should be taught, how it should be taught, and the desired learning outcomes for each stage of the curriculum.

Key Elements of a Typical Scheme of Work for Primary PE:

  1. Aims and Objectives: Begin by clearly defining your PE curriculum's overarching aims and objectives. These should align with the broader goals of physical education, such as promoting physical fitness, developing motor skills, enhancing social interaction, and fostering a positive attitude towards lifelong physical activity.

  1. Learning Outcomes: Break down the aims and objectives into specific learning outcomes that are age-appropriate and attainable for primary school students. Consider the developmental stage of the children and ensure the outcomes are aligned with their abilities and needs.

  2. Curriculum Content: Identify the key areas of focus within the PE curriculum. This may include fundamental movement skills, team sports, individual sports, gymnastics, dance, outdoor adventure, and health-related fitness. Distribute the content across the academic year, ensuring a balance between various activities and offering various experiences.

  3. Progression and Differentiation: Plan a logical progression of skills and concepts throughout the scheme of work. Consider the developmental milestones and progression of learning within each activity area. Provide opportunities for differentiation, enabling students of different abilities to engage meaningfully and experience success.

  4. Assessment and Evaluation: Integrate formative and summative assessment strategies within the scheme of work to monitor students' progress and evaluate their learning outcomes. Incorporate assessment methods that align with the practical nature of PE, such as observations, skill assessments, self-assessments, and peer evaluations.

  5. Cross-Curricular Links: Identify opportunities for cross-curricular connections, integrating PE with other subject areas. This could involve linking PE lessons with science (exploring the human body and its response to exercise), mathematics (measuring distances or timing activities), or literacy (writing reflections or creating presentations about physical activities).

  6. Resources and Facilities: Consider the availability of resources and facilities within your school and community. Ensure that the scheme of work accommodates the available space, equipment, and time allocations. Adapt and modify activities as needed to maximise the resources at hand.

  7. Inclusion and Differentiation: Address inclusion and differentiation strategies within the scheme of work to cater to students with diverse needs and abilities. Provide options for adaptation, modifications, and alternative activities, allowing all students to participate fully and experience success.

  8. Extra-Curricular Opportunities: Identify opportunities for extra-curricular activities, such as sports clubs, inter-school competitions, or community events. Integrate these opportunities into the scheme of work, encouraging students to extend their learning beyond the classroom and engage in the wider sporting community.


A well-designed scheme of work forms the backbone of a successful primary PE curriculum. By carefully considering the aims, objectives, learning outcomes, progression, assessment strategies, and inclusion principles, teachers can create an engaging lesson.



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