Keystage 3 Athletics Lesson 8: Triple Jump
Athletics Triple Jump Lesson Overview In this KS3 triple jump lesson, students will enhance their core and advanced jumping skills, focusing on the distinct phases of the triple jump: hop, step,...

Athletics Triple Jump Lesson Overview
In this KS3 triple jump lesson, students will enhance their core and advanced jumping skills, focusing on the distinct phases of the triple jump: hop, step, and jump. The session involves a structured warm-up, drills to practice each phase, and application of skills in the sandpit. Students will work on achieving maximum distance through proper technique and momentum. Assessment will be through peer, self, and teacher evaluations. Safety measures will be emphasized, including appropriate footwear and equipment checks. Students will record their jumps, aiming to implement all learned techniques to improve performance and understand the differences between the triple jump and the long jump.
Lesson Objectives
All: To continue to develop our core and advanced skills for the triple jump.
To demonstrate momentum needed to achieve a good ‘flight’.
To achieve a maximum distance between take-off + landing
To understand the difference between long jump and triple jump and the extra steps