Keystage 3 Football Lesson 3: Creating Space and Possession
In this lesson, students will focus on creating space and maintaining possession in football. The objectives are to warm up safely, understand how to create space, and apply these skills in...

In this lesson, students will focus on creating space and maintaining possession in football. The objectives are to warm up safely, understand how to create space, and apply these skills in game situations. The lesson includes a cardiovascular warm-up, skill drills, and practical activities to teach creating and exploiting space. Students will engage in fun activities and apply their skills in a game setting, emphasising communication, decision-making, and effective passing. The session will conclude with a cool-down and a plenary to review learning objectives and peer/self-assess performance. Key terms like possession, exploit, communication, and overload will be highlighted to enhance literacy and teamwork.
Learning aim(s)/objective(s)
1. All Students:
- Will warm up safely and appropriately for the activity by engaging in a skill-based activity.
- Can explain and demonstrate how to create space to maintain possession of the ball.
- Can peer assess their partners’ work to improve performance.
2. Most Students:
- Will effectively explain and demonstrate how to create space to maintain possession of the ball.
- Will peer assess their partners’ work to improve performance.
3. Some Students:
- Will demonstrate learned techniques in a small-sided game situation.